N86 is only 5 months old yet now i'm tempted to change :(
Maybe i should delibrately lose my phone so i have the excuse to get a new one .
Lazy to transfer photos to pc , so just upload the out dated ones ..
I've completed the series(i'm so bored now without them, maybe i should re-read?) , only waiting for the movie to be up .. So much love for Twilight .
I'm broken again .
No cash , no friends
no love .
Nothing .
Too used to having nothing and being nothing .
I'll be fine , independance is what it takes only afterall .
Have always been :)
I think i've found out the problem (all the paranoid-ness/emptyness), tell ya someday .
Anyway , dont bother to console me , i'll feel like laughing . Really . Not to say ask .
Thanks .
I liked it.